Amanda Wong: 11th University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS) Student Reflection

During the symposium, I encountered several impactful sessions and speakers that greatly shaped my understanding of global issues and the role of youth in creating positive change. One session that stood out to me was led by a renowned expert on sustainable development goals (SDGs). They emphasized the importance of youth engagement and highlighted how youth voices, services, and leadership programs can contribute to achieving various goals, such as quality education, poverty eradication, and climate action. This session made me realize that both small and large contributions from young individuals can make a significant difference in addressing pressing global challenges.

In terms of the SDGs, I believe quality education, innovation and infrastructure, and climate change are particularly focused areas. Quality education lays the foundation for overall development and empowers individuals to create positive change. Innovation and infrastructure drive progress and enable societies to tackle complex problems effectively. Climate change, on the other hand, is the most difficult challenge to address due to its complex nature and the need for global collaboration and systemic changes.

Another impactful session focused on turning intentions into action. The speaker emphasized that taking action requires a proactive approach and urged participants to move forward and actively pursue their goals. The session reminded me that waiting for miracles or complaining about one’s circumstances won’t lead to progress; we need to take charge of our lives and make conscious choices to effect change. This session inspired me to take action and be more proactive in pursuing my goals.

Furthermore, a session on emotional intelligence left a lasting impression on me. The speaker highlighted the importance of empathy, self-awareness, and social skills in fostering stronger relationships and personal growth. I learned that empathy plays a crucial role in understanding others’ perspectives and building meaningful connections. The session encouraged active listening and asking questions, emphasizing the significance of empathy in creating positive change.

The symposium also emphasized that everyone has something valuable to contribute. Participants were encouraged to give their smiles, kindness, knowledge, and passion to their families, friends, and communities. This notion reinforced the idea that each individual possesses unique qualities and unlimited potential, and by sharing these gifts, we can collectively make a difference.

Lastly, the symposium included a community service activity where we participated in four missions: river cleaning, school painting, mangrove planting, and tree planting. I took part in the mangrove planting mission, which proved to be an eye-opening experience. While it may sound simple, the actual work was physically demanding. I was inspired by the enthusiasm of the foreign participants who wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to contribute. Despite the challenging task of planting trees, they maintained a cheerful atmosphere, which motivated us to work as a team. This firsthand experience highlighted the importance of sustainable initiatives and community development. It made me realize that even seemingly small actions, such as planting trees, can have a significant and lasting impact on the environment and local communities.

Overall, the symposium and its sessions, along with the community service activity, provided valuable insights into global issues and the role of youth in creating positive change. It reinforced the significance of taking action, practising empathy, and making sustainable contributions to our communities. These experiences have deepened my understanding of the importance of youth engagement and the potential we possess to shape a better future.